Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ice-skating anyone?

No need to go all the way to Chicago to wait in a 2 hour line to skate at Millennium Park. We have our very own ice skating rink in our backyard. Bryson was our first customer. Except I think he did more sliding than skating... :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


This new development, that Casi's name has been cleared as a suspect, isn't that surprising because really who could EVER believe that such a sweet, innocent, perfect girl was a hard hearted criminal?! Seriously... Does Casi look like a murderer in this picture?... I think NOT! We tried to get Casi to comment on the case, but she is apparently still frozen in shock from seeing the crime scene on Sunday night. If anyone is interested in helping her overcome this traumatizing event- please send chocolate and/or money to the Mattox home.

Developments in Mattox Murder suspect cleared

I know many of you have been unable to sleep at night knowing there is still a killer on the loose. We are doing all we can to catch this sly perpetrator. There have been some fascinating developments in this case. Apparently this unnamed toy still had some life left in him. We thought he was dead last week, but Casi came home Sunday night and found this on the stairs of the Mattox home. This heartless criminal seems to want to flaunt his shady work for all to see.

This does clear Casi as a suspect. She has an alibi this time- she was at Andy and Janell's for Lydia's going away party on the evening of the crime.

Pictures from Dad and Adam's Birthday Celebration

Friday, January 19, 2007

Murder Mystery

Breaking news....There was a murder last night at the Mattox household. The unnamed Christmas toy was shredded to pieces. We have photographic evidence leading to any of Mattoxs that were home last night. Who really did it? We will keep you updated as we learn more. Poor guy... Was it Maddie?

Or Karen?

Or possibly Casi?

Maybe Steve?

Or could it have been SUPER STEVE?

Introducing SUPER STEVE!!!