Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Developments in Mattox Murder Mystery...one suspect cleared

I know many of you have been unable to sleep at night knowing there is still a killer on the loose. We are doing all we can to catch this sly perpetrator. There have been some fascinating developments in this case. Apparently this unnamed toy still had some life left in him. We thought he was dead last week, but Casi came home Sunday night and found this on the stairs of the Mattox home. This heartless criminal seems to want to flaunt his shady work for all to see.

This does clear Casi as a suspect. She has an alibi this time- she was at Andy and Janell's for Lydia's going away party on the evening of the crime.


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are a bit too graphic!!!! It's traumatizing!! Should be rated at least PG-13 Richard!!! :)

Casi said...

You think the pictures are traumatizing?! You should've been there- that was traumatizing!